Sunday, June 22, 2008

Once more into the breach, dear friends...

The very fact that this blog exists defines hubris. Right now, Amy is putting Amelia to sleep and I'm working on packing up our basement. I have 5 days to wrap up all the loose ends at work, a feat akin to cleaning the Aegean stables. We have 8 more days after that to organize all of our affairs and reduce our material possessions into 6 bags weighing 49 pounds or less. The to-do list is the stuff of nightmares. Naturally, I'm using my time wisely and setting up a blog right now, with the idea that Amy and I will maintain it over the next 6-12 months while living in New Zealand. If you're into betting, I suggest taking the under.

Oh, and a tip of the hat to Conor for encouraging us to get the blog started.

