Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ta Da!

Well, we pulled it off. We're safe and sound back in Welly after our trip to the South Island. One month, two kids, one campervan, 2,830 km (for those of you living in Liberia, Burma, or the USA, that's 1,758 miles). We are a bit out of touch; I have no idea who won the college football national championship or which teams even played in the Super Bowl.

I no longer have any excuse not to post on the blog, so expect a revival of sorts. The first post should show up later on this week.


Harry said...

Great to see you guys enjoying yourselves immensely. The views are just amazing...totally glad that you've extended your contract. Was blown away by the mouse plague that does happen?...not pulling my leg, are you! Anyways, keep on having fun.

- Harry

Unknown said...

We'll I'm sure you know by now, but those Florida bastards won the BCS (but I would have voted for Utah) and the Super Bowl was Pittsburg over (don't laugh) the Arizona Cardinals (and the Cardinals almost won!)